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We know that each time you support someone it throws up a whole set of new challenges.

If you find yourself unsure on what to do, you can reach out to our community of fellow psychological first aiders for advice through Discord.

What should I do in an emergency situation?

If you are concerned that someone may hurt themselves or that they are experiencing a medical emergency, call the emergency services number in your country, ask for an ambulance and stay with them until help arrives.

If you are concerned that someone cannot care may hurt someone else (including those who may be inadvertently hurt such as children), call the emergency services number in your country and ask for the police to help. You might feel concerned about getting someone in trouble, but it's important to put everyone’s safety first.

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What should I do in a non-emergency situation?

If it is not an emergency, check your handbook, follow your training, and speak to other psychological first aiders for advice.

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